Jun 24, 2021
Three years after the events of the Special Kamikaze Unit Series Finale, Dr. Trencherman finds himself stranded at an unexpected holiday gathering.
Lindsay Zana: @lindsayzana
Chris Henry: @mrstonebender
Austin Rusk: @austinrusk
If you wanna help us keep the lights on with a...
Feb 28, 2020
The Squad ties up loose ends and takes a step or twelve into the future. It’s been three years, chummers. We couldn’t have done this without you, and will be forever grateful for your support and listenership as we found this story amidst the die rolls and GM curveballs of Crit Squad: Special Kamikaze Unit. We look...
Dec 15, 2019
Sacha and Baldy escape from Castle Toompea, leaving Trencherman behind with a bomb. There are black vans, local cops, and a task force that will stop at nothing to keep them from leaking what they know.
Can they survive?
Crit squad is Lindsay Zana, Eric Snyder, Chris Henry, and Austin Rusk is our Game...
Oct 18, 2019
The squad presses on toward their ultimate final encounter. Blood is shed. A hero makes a choice.
SUPPORT THE SHOW at Patreon.com/critqsuad
Or, support the show by telling a friend! Or! OR! Come say Hi on twitter or facebook @critsquadcast. Or! Visit critsquad.com/merch and pick up a mug or poster or Tip the Squad!...
Sep 20, 2019
The squad enters Parliament with a dark deed ahead.
Baldy takes a hit.
Trencherman holds it together.
Sacha lends a hand.
SUPPORT THE SHOW at Patreon.com/critqsuad
Or, support the show by telling a friend! Or! OR! Come say Hi on twitter or facebook @critsquadcast. Or! Visit critsquad.com/merch and pick up a mug or...