Jul 21, 2019
Trencherman settles into a new direction.
Sacha makes a confession.
Baldy REALLY jumps into a turkey leg.
REM ALTERNIS’ KICKSTARTER: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/remalternis/chicago-shadows-trailer
SUPPORT THE SHOW at Patreon.com/critqsuad
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Jul 7, 2019
Sacha is nervous, and then nervous again.
Baldy is a voice of reason.
Trencherman makes a choice.
SUPPORT THE SHOW at Patreon.com/critqsuad
Or, support the show by telling a friend! Or! OR! Come say Hi on twitter or facebook @critsquadcast. Or! Visit critsquad.com/merch and pick up a mug or poster or Tip the Squad! We...